Where it all began

Where it all began!

This particular leg of my journey began a few years ago.  I had started to become a little disillusioned with ‘church’ as in the routine of going to a building on a Sunday week after week.  I stumbled across a channel on YouTube that was emphasising the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke & John) in the Bible. As I listened I felt drawn to rediscover the life and teachings of Jesus as if for the first time.  

One night I awoke at midnight with a strong desire to write down the specific Words of Jesus according to the commands, the warnings, the promises and the statements.  I wrote and wrote until around 4:00 am then fell asleep and woke to my alarm at 6:30 am to do the school run and go to work.  This continued for several weeks. 

As I studied His actual Words, I found myself being changed.  I sensed the Spirit of God reminding me of His Words in given situations, and my whole approach to life started to shift.  I then started writing the reasons why we need to get back to the pure teachings of Jesus.  All of which felt inspired.  When you find what you feel you’ve been looking for all your life, you want to tell the world.

I felt so excited, I couldn’t believe I had missed this for so many years.  It’s truly life-transforming.  And so formed the book ‘What on Earth have we Done with the Teachings of Jesus?’.  In light of what is happening now around the world, we need to be grounded in the Word of God.  We desperately need the assurance of His promises of Divine protection and provision.  We need hope.  My hope is that this book will bring others the same joy and sense of fulfilment that has been brought to me.  For those who have come to a knowledge of Jesus in the past, I hope it will inspire you to truly live for Him. 

For those who are approaching Christ for the first time, I hope it will bring you closer to Him.  Wherever you are I pray you are blessed by it and go on to spread the Word to bring true hope to others.  God is faithful and true to His Word.  His Word has been preserved over the Centuries that we might know Him and know how to live for Him.  May we all grow in the knowledge of understanding of His Word and hold His Word close to our hearts.

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