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What on Earth have we done with the Teachings of Jesus? ~ the Holy Spirit will bring to our remembrance His Words

In previous blogs I have covered the top ten teachings according to the frequency with which Christ taught (seen on page 133 of the download ‘What on earth have we done with the teachings of Jesus’).  We are now covering the Words of Jesus regarding the Holy Spirit.  The next of these is His purpose is ‘to bring to our remembrance His Words’.

In the western world, the vast majority of us, have moved so far away from the simplicity of life that we as human beings were supposed to live.  We once grew our own food, then came the advent of the ‘convenience’ store on street corners.  There was a time when we took time to make food, then came the microwave.  We used to walk everywhere, taking in the fresh air and greeting people, then came cars. There once was a time when anything we needed to know had to be researched through books at the library – now almost anything we need to know can be googled and found almost instantaneously on our mobile phones.

The only thing that will count

Instead of our lives having more time for reflection and for helping our fellowmen, we seem to have even less time.  We are cramming our lives with activities that will one day count for absolutely nothing.  I shudder to recollect at the end of each day how much of what I have done will count for eternity.  The only thing that will count is what we did with the teachings of Jesus.  How we allowed His Word to conform our thoughts and our actions.  This has been the whole motivation behind the book ‘what have we done with the teachings of Jesus’.  It is His Words that the Holy Spirit reminds us of that brings conviction to our hearts.  Then we start to be changed from the inside out.  We need to know His Words more than ever as we are bombarded in this life with information, tasks and responsibilities that consume us.  People are more stressed than ever.  We need to ‘come away’ from the world, carve out that time to hear the Master’s voice and be a Mary more than a Martha.

Jesus said, But the Comforter (Counsellor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, Standby), the Holy Spirit, Whom the Father will send in My name [in My place, to represent Me and act on My behalf], He will teach you all things. And He will cause you to recall (will remind you of, bring to your remembrance) everything I have told you, John 14:26.

Remembrance day all day

I used to think that grabbing a few moments to read my bible and throw up a quick prayer in the morning was enough.  But we all know from experience that it doesn’t take long before the world and its demands consumes us.  I am here reminded of Remembrance Day.  A day when the nation stops for a short while to remember those who gave their lives for us in previous world wars.  We need to stop on regular basis not just once a day, but throughout the day to remember the Christ who gave His life for us to bring us into eternity.  We need to know what He said, so the Holy Spirit can bring to our remembrance His Words.  By spending time at any and every opportunity the Holy Spirit has allot more scope to work His wonderful way in us.

His Words are like a treasure chest of undiscovered wealth. With each new revelation we unearth a new prize for us to take to heart, that will change us and conform us more to His will. Following this verse, Jesus says, My peace I leave with you My peace I give to you, not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

We are to be under the tuition of the Spirit

Let us come away from the world and seek His presence, that the Holy Spirit may lead us into all truth and we may be filled with His inexplicable peace.

Henry says – Two things Christ here comforts his disciples with.  One that they would be under the tuition of His Spirit, John 14:25, 26.  Christ here would have us reflect on His instructions that had been given: ‘These things have I spoken unto you’ (referring to all the good lessons He had taught them, since they entered themselves into His school).  This intimates that what He had said He did not retract nor unsay, but ratify it, or stand to it.  What He had spoken He had spoken, and would abide by it.  

He gave them encouragement to expect another teacher, and that Christ would find out a way of speaking to them after His departure from them, John 14:26. He had told them before that the Father would give them this other comforter (John 14:16), and here He returns to speak of it again. As the promise of the Messiah had been, so the promise of the Spirit now was, their consolation.

He tells them on whose account He would be sent: “The Father will send him in My name, that is, for My sake, at My special instance and request,” and, “as my agent and representative.” Jesus came in His Father’s name, as His ambassador.  The Spirit comes in His name, as resident in His absence, to carry on His undertaking, and to ripen things for His second coming.  Hence He is called the Spirit of Christ, for He pleads His cause, and does His work.

To all the Saints, the Spirit of grace is given

The errand He would be sent on includes being taught all things, as a Spirit of wisdom and revelation Christ was a teacher to His disciples.  If He leaves them now that they have made so little proficiency, what will become of them?  But the Spirit shall teach them, shall be their standing tutor.  He shall teach them all things necessary for them either to learn themselves, or to teach others.  For those that would teach the things of God must first themselves be taught of God – this is the Spirit’s work.  (Isa. 59:21 As for Me, says the Lord, this is My covenant with them.  My Spirit who is upon you and My words which I have put in your mouth shall not depart from your mouth)

He shall bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever I have said to you.  Many a good lesson Christ had taught them, which they had forgotten, and which they should seek for when they had occasion for it.  Many things they did not retain the remembrance of, because they did not rightly understand the meaning of them.  The Spirit shall not teach them a new gospel, but bring to their minds that which they had been taught, by leading them into the understanding of it.  The apostles were all of them to preach, and some of them to write, the things that Jesus did and taught, to transmit them to distant nations and future ages.  Now, if they had been left to themselves some needful things might have been forgotten, others misrepresented, through the treachery of their memories.  Therefore the Spirit is promised to enable them truly to relate and record what Christ said unto them.  And to all the saints the Spirit of grace is given to be a remembrancer, and to him by faith and prayer we should commit the keeping of what we hear and know.

We should be under the influence of His peace

We should be under the influence of His peace (John 14:27): Peace I leave with you.  When Christ was about to leave the world He made his will.  Silver and gold He had none, but He left them that which was infinitely better, His peace. “I leave you, but I leave My peace with you. I not only give you a title to it, but put you in possession of it.” He did not part in anger, but in love, for this was His farewell, Peace I leave with you, as a dying father leaves portions to His children – and this is a most worthy portion.

The legacy that is here bequeathed Peace, my peace.  Peace is given for all good, and Christ has left us all needful good, all that is really and truly good, as all the purchased promised good.  Peace is given for reconciliation and love.  The peace bequeathed is peace with God, peace with one another; peace in our own bosoms seems to be especially meant.  A tranquillity of mind arising from a sense of our justification before God.  It is the counterpart of our pardons, and the composure of our minds.  This Christ calls His peace, for He is Himself our peace, Eph. 2:14.  It is the peace He purchased for us and preached to us, and on which the angels congratulated men at His birth, Luke 2:14.

This legacy is given, “To you, my disciples and followers, that will be exposed to trouble, and have need of peace.  To you that are the sons of peace, and are qualified to receive it.” This legacy was left to them as the representatives of the church, to them and their successors, to them and all true Christians in all ages.

Not as the world gives..

Not as the world gives, do I give to you.  That is “I do not compliment you with Peace be unto you.  No, it is not a mere formality, but instead a real blessing.” “The peace I give is of such a nature that the smiles of the world cannot give it, nor the frowns of the world take it away.” And “The gifts I give to you are not such as this world gives to its children, to whom it is kind.” The world’s gifts concern only the body and time, Christ’s gifts enrich the soul for eternity.  The world gives lying vanities, and that which will cheat us, Christ gives substantial blessings, which will never fail us.  The world gives and takes, Christ gives a good part that shall never be taken away.  The peace which Christ gives is infinitely more valuable than that which the world gives.  The world’s peace begins in ignorance, consists with sin, and ends in endless troubles.  Christ’s peace begins in grace, consists with no allowed sin, and ends at length in everlasting peace.  As is the difference between a killing lethargy and a reviving refreshing sleep, such is the difference between Christ’s peace and the world’s.

What use they should make of it – Let not your heart be troubled, for any evils past or present, neither let it be afraid of any evil to come.  Those that are invested in the covenant of grace, and entitled to the peace which Christ gives, ought not to yield to overwhelming griefs and fears.  This comes in here as the conclusion of the whole matter.  He had said (John 14:1), Let not your heart be troubled, and here He repeats it as He had now given sufficient reason.

Adapted from the Matthew Henry Commentary

The Spirit Life

If you seek, then you will find
If you ask you will receive.
The Lord will rearrange your mind.
The promised gifts you will perceive.
His joy will flow from deep within
Exploring new and treasured parts.
To wash away the tides of sin
In faith, that pours out from 
                       your hearts.
O let the healing rivers flow
To make your mind and body whole.
O let the freshening breezes blow
The peace of God deep in your soul.
The spirit fruits so firm and ripe
The promised love that never dies
Your tears of pain the Lord will wipe.
Your life transformed before His eyes.
The Lord is standing at the gate
His open arms to welcome you
Can you afford to stand and wait?
Can you resist a love so true?
By the late Andrew Feakin
(passed away 16th March 2019)

Prayer:  Father, I thank You for the gift of Your Spirit.  Prod me to carve out more time in my busy life to spend in Your Word and seeking Your presence.  For all I need is in You.  In the name of Christ I pray.  Amen.

The Holy Spirit will bring to our remembrance His Words!

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